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I've been a MyPoints member for years and am very happy with the results I've had.
Most days I receive a few e-mails from them asking me to visit sites. Most visits earn 5 points, without making any sort of purchase. Some earn more and some less, but either way it only takes a second to glance at a site.
Participating in surveys earns more points.
Making a purchase through MyPoints at retailers like earns more points. If' I'm going to buy something online I check to see if they are affiliated with MyPoints at the MyPoints site and then order through that link instead of directly through the retailer ... costs me nothing extra but earns me points.
I have my e-mail set up so that all MyPoints (and other similar sites) e-mails are directed out of my inbox and into a specific folder. Once a week or so I can go through all the messages and deals and be done in an hour or so.
Points are redeemed for gift cards a large number of vendors, including Paypal (yup, your points can be converted to cash). Great way to treat yourself or use them as gifts for others.