Each Monday I shall post our dinner menu plan for the current week.
The kids feed themselves for breakfast and lunch (usually lots of fruit, pasta, sandwiches, or leftovers) so I will only be posting the dinner menu, as that's what I cook.
Please link to your weekly menu in the comments if you are inclined. I'm always looking for new ideas.
Well, it's technically Tuesday here (by a few minutes) and I'm eating Monday's leftovers. It has been that kind of day!
Sunday - Southwest Roll-ups using homemade refried beans, salad (made double the roll-ups and froze one batch for another meal)
Monday - Slow Cooker Thai Peanut Chicken, salad (we ate dinner, drove two kids to scouts, came home and the 8 year old had another heaping plate full ... this is one of those entrees that make for quiet meals, because everyone is too busy loving the food to talk)
Tuesday - Macaroni and Cheese, apple slices, broiled zucchini, orange wedges
Wednesday -Chicken All Dressed Up, yellow squash, salad
Thursday - Chicken Tacos, brown rice (when the kids get to pick their toppings, whether on tacos, pizza, or omelets, they enjoy it more and eat really well ... and the brown rice, now that I can cook it decently I can't get enough of it)
Friday -Chicken and veggies on the grill, salad
Saturday - Leftovers or Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce