Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Giveaway - Starbucks Gift Card

Contest over. Thank you. Visit Because I'm Frugal often for more offers.

 To thank you for joining me and getting this new blog off the ground I've decided to do a little giveaway. Today I'm offering a $5 Starbucks Card.

To enter leave a comment, making sure there's a valid e-mail address in there somewhere so I can contact you if you win.

To receive additional entries post about this giveaway contest, with a link to this post, on your blog, tweet, or facebook and then come back and leave a unique comment telling me each thing you did (if you FB'd and tweeted leave 2 additional comments, one for each thing, so you get two entries into the contest), again with an e-mail address to contact the winner.

The contest will end Sunday evening, November 13th around midnight and a new, just slightly bigger, giveaway contest will begin the following morning.
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