I've posted already about some costume ideas but am going to go even further here.
I buy pumpkins last minute, because they are usually deeply discounted then. I began doing it that way years ago, due to disorganization rather than frugality, and was so pleased to find such good prices that it has become a tradition of sorts. I cook some, pureeing and freezing the "meat" in 1 cup portions to use throughout the year in breads, muffins, pancakes, pastas, and so on. The rest are carved into jack-o-lanterns by Halloween night.
The seeds are always lightly oiled and salted, then roasted. They don't last long in this house, usually gone the day after Halloween.
Here's the further mentioned above ... Great, awesome, creative ... Halloween fun. Some activities will require a little output, some will work with things you have on hand.
Martha Stewart has a great deal of everything, for beginners and accomplished Halloween decorators and partiers alike
Thrift store costume ideas
More last minute thrift store costume ideas
Lastly, an interest search for "free Halloween" will pull up loads of free printables - coloring pages, games, decorations, and more.